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Ephesians 1:7-10

| Sep 16, 2018

  TRANSCRIPT: “I think it is because out of all the things he’s listing here in chapter 1, redemption is the only one he stops and dedicates four verses to in this one blessing, this one doctrine, alone. I think that’s because the name Redeemer brings the cross into view and it reminds us that


Ephesians 1:3-6

| Sep 9, 2018

  TRANSCRIPT: “Paul does something that shows, I think, incredible pastoral wisdom. He knows when Christians struggle we sometimes forget, don’t we? Sometimes, in our pain, fears, discouragements, disappointments, or just the anxieties of life, those things get so large that we can forget who we are. Paul Tripp calls this identity amnesia, what can
To The Saints

To The Saints

Ephesians 1:1-2

| Sep 2, 2018

  TRANSCRIPT: “Admittedly, this text was not highlighted in my Bible. Most of Ephesians is highlighted. This particular part of the text was not. God just has a funny way of working that out, where I will get a passage I need to preach and I have no thoughts on it whatsoever. That’s just a
How Should We Then Respond?

How Should We Then Respond?

Mark 16:9-20

| Aug 26, 2018

  TRANSCRIPT: “Regardless of your position on verses 9-20 of Mark 16, today we’re going to look at the implication, the call, and the response we should have to all of Mark’s gospel, specifically our obedience to the gospel call and our ongoing living out of the gospel message. Therefore, for our Scripture reading today,
The Resurrection

The Resurrection

Mark 16: 1-8

| Aug 19, 2018

  TRANSCRIPT: “Yet if I do believe Jesus did physically rise from the dead, then I have to admit and allow that everything in my life needs to change. So, I would caution you as you quickly reach for your answer to that question to slow down for a moment and be sure about what
Putting Jesus In His Place

Putting Jesus In His Place

Mark 15:42-47

| Aug 12, 2018

  TRANSCRIPT: “In our story today, we’re going to see that in the midst of this dark, seemingly hopeless moment, there is going to be a little flicker of light. There is going to be a faithful servant of the Lord who’s going to stand up, show, and demonstrate to us that it is possible,
He Died For Us

He Died For Us

Mark 15:33-41

| Aug 5, 2018

  TRANSCRIPT: “I don’t think it’s hyperbole for me to say that everything we believe and hope in for this present life as well as the future life after this life… Everything you and I believe in, everything we place our faith in, spiritual speaking, hinges on the last 48 hours of Jesus’ life on
The King Of Glory Mocked And Crucified

The King Of Glory Mocked And Crucified

Mark 15:16-32

| Jul 29, 2018

  TRANSCRIPT: “You see now why this is a difficult passage. After Pilate delivers Jesus over to the soldiers, this was not a time of reprieve while he awaited execution. In fact, it was quite the contrary. Roman soldiers were trained to unleash whatever additional torture and disgrace they could imagine in order to further
True Motives For Rejecting Jesus

True Motives For Rejecting Jesus

Mark 15:6-15

| Jul 22, 2018

  TRANSCRIPT: “I’ve titled this message True Motives for Rejecting Jesus. Here’s my main idea. I think we see in this passage that while it may be really easy to reject Jesus, it’s virtually impossible to ignore him. That’s what I believe is the main idea happening right before us in this passage. Rejecting Jesus
King Jesus

King Jesus

Mark 15:1-5

| Jul 15, 2018

  TRANSCRIPT: “After questioning Jesus and conversing more with the Jewish people, Luke records for us that Pilate looks back at the Jewish people and says, “I find no guilt in this man. You guys are flapping your lips about him, saying he’s a king, but there’s no evidence of that anywhere.” But Luke tells
Redeeming Failure

Redeeming Failure

Mark 14:26-31, 66-72

| Jul 8, 2018

  TRANSCRIPT: “Today, we’re going to look together at the beloved apostle Peter. Like an open book, we’re acquainted with this fisherman-turned-apostle and pillar of the first-century church. We know of the apostle Peter, but as most of us know, Peter had no shortage of humiliating low points for us to learn from. Do you
An Unbeliever’s Guide to Rejecting Jesus

An Unbeliever’s Guide to Rejecting Jesus

Mark 14:53-65

| Jul 1, 2018

  TRANSCRIPT: “Needless to say, at this point in the gospel, their animosity toward Jesus has reached a boiling point. It is now as that tipping moment where the Jewish leaders are going to carry out the prophecy we see in the Old Testament as well as what Jesus just told them in this parable