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It Sounds Foolish…But it’s Amazing!

It Sounds Foolish…But it’s Amazing!

1 Corinthians 1:18-31

| Apr 1, 2018

  TRANSCRIPT: “The context of what we’re about to look at is a letter that the apostle Paul wrote to a church, a church that was in the city of Corinth, which had some people in the church who probably, due to a lot of ridicule from friends, family, or whatever… Their resolve to trust
The Meaning of Life – Part 2

The Meaning of Life – Part 2

Mark 12:28-34

| Mar 25, 2018

  TRANSCRIPT: “They had all but stripped away grace, mercy, and joy from their religion, and God was no longer someone to know. God was no longer someone to love, trust, and delight in. God was someone to avoid. God had become someone you just needed to keep off your back. Once again, I want
The Meaning of Life – Part 1

The Meaning of Life – Part 1

Mark 12:28-34

| Mar 18, 2018

  TRANSCRIPT: “You get the sense from Mark’s gospel that this wasn’t one of the religious leaders’ tricks. There was nothing random about this question. In fact, it very well may be that this question he asks is the question to which every human being longs for an answer. I would be so bold to
The Danger of Bad Theology

The Danger of Bad Theology

Mark 12:18-27

| Mar 11, 2018

  TRANSCRIPT: “Today’s message is titled, The Danger of Bad Theology. In our passage today, we are going to see Jesus confronted by a group of men who claimed to know the one true God, but because of their bad theology, because they were bad theologians, a relationship that was supposed to bring them life
Christians Paying Taxes

Christians Paying Taxes

Mark 12:13-17

| Mar 4, 2018

  TRANSCRIPT: “The religious establishment hated Jesus, but the crowds loved him, and the people who were believing in him were growing in numbers exponentially, so in order to get rid of him, they had to find a way to turn the crowds against him. They had to find a way to get him to
Rejecting Jesus

Rejecting Jesus

Mark 12:1-12

| Feb 25, 2018

  TRANSCRIPT: “Jesus said there’s a second reason why he used parables to teach. Not as a mirror, but as a veil. Jesus taught in parables to hide the truth from people whose hearts were stubborn and hardened toward him. For these people, the parables were not meant to be discerned. For these people, the
The Authority of Jesus

The Authority of Jesus

Mark 11:27-33

| Feb 18, 2018

  TRANSCRIPT: “We’ve heard it all this morning with every service, with baptism: “I want to live for Jesus. I want him to be my everything.” There’s a big difference between, “I’ve known Jesus for a long time and he’s cool,” and, “Jesus is my Lord and I want to live for him.” We are
Part Six – Our Commission

Part Six – Our Commission

Acts 6:7

| Feb 11, 2018

  TRANSCRIPT: “We’re also seeing something else. I would say it’s just as dangerous and confusing, and I would label it Christianity lite. Christianity lite is made up of believers who are minimizing their Christianity to just a few key religious ideas about Jesus and maybe a few key religious activities in their lives, but
Part Five – Our Community

Part Five – Our Community

Hebrews 3:12-15

| Feb 4, 2018

  TRANSCRIPT: “You see, Harvard found that many Christians are leaving churches in droves. They are piling out of churches like crazy, but what they found specifically was that people are leaving the theologically-liberal and the secularized congregations and denominations and they’re migrating to churches that teach the Bible with seriousness, call its people to
Part Four – Our Consecration

Part Four – Our Consecration

1st Corinthians 6:9-11

| Jan 28, 2018

  TRANSCRIPT: “Christianity is suffering from a serious identity crisis right now. We’re witnessing, right before our very eyes, a seismic shift from biblical discipleship to something that might be better termed or defined as progressive Christianity or cultural Christianity, which is drifting farther and farther away from what biblical Christianity and discipleship looks like.“
Part Three – Our Commitment

Part Three – Our Commitment

Romans 6:15-23

| Jan 21, 2018

  TRANSCRIPT: “This sermon series is not a call to be a cultural Christian but to be a devoted disciple to Jesus Christ. There’s a big difference between giving God lip service and giving God your life. Many people will give God credit in some shape or form. You’ve probably heard the athlete, after the
Part Two – Our Cost

Part Two – Our Cost

Luke 9:23-27

| Jan 14, 2018

  TRANSCRIPT: “The cross is being reduced to some kind of a spiritual symbolism and it’s no longer God’s exclusive means for our forgiveness and salvation. I think the result of all that craziness today is that the difference between a true follower of Jesus and the person who merely admires Jesus from a distance